Hi Heroes, I want to announce a couple of things, but first I will start by clarifying the topic of ‘’’Whitelisting’’ of our collection: As most know, Atomic has been facing lots of cheating projects and scammers that presume to be a game and then it turns out that’s not true and they leave with the money. Atomic to prevent this has increased its requirements for user protection. For this reason now projects like ours will take more time to get the verification since Atomic needs to see certain things you throw and personally do a test. Atomic already reviewed our project and there is only one more step left, which was recently added given the incidents, and we are working as quickly as possible to complete the requirement of atomic, in addition to this I tell you that atomic already reviewed the demo of our Staking. Be patient and don’t keep spamming the same question. Programming is not something that is done in 3 minutes. As soon as we’re ready you’ll notice it.
2-Returning to the main theme: Space Heroes . Our project is going super well, and very soon our Alpha Staking will be ready, then the sale of the Heroes which can be put in staking and days later the Dark Matter token will be available in the market, the details of the Tokenomic will be announced the same day of the coining of the token.
3- Clarifying the doubts of my miners and generators, within the game we have plans for this, but outside the game both will undermine our Dark matter token. We will not create, mint or sell more miners, the current ones in the market are the last and we will burn the rest that have not yet been minted. The reason for this is as follows: Mining the Dark Matter token will be an opportunity and to play will be the indispensable resource, it will be impossible to play if you do not have DMT. To increase your mining power you need to complete the missions, you have to craft ships and other NFTs within the game, these NFT will serve for staking, to get the other tokens within the game you need DMT, for the lab and hangar to work you need DMT, in short, if you want to make money or play, for both cases you need DMT , even to increase your mining power you need DMT. We have a planned strategy to maintain token balance and token holders will be rewarded.
4- Speaking of the sale of packs, we have as a preference to wait to be verified, in the meantime we will not do it. There will be 3 types of packs, the Special, the Small and the Big. The distribution of cards and odds are ready as well as their prices and strategy to combat the bots as best as possible so that everyone can participate. Hero Pass Holders will be able to buy a Special pack for each pass they hold. Then for the Small and the Big if they have to participate like everyone else.
The sale will be public but only those who belong to the different whitelists according to their rank will be able to participate. So we will be dividing the total packs into different levels of whitelist.
NOTE: We will never sell these packs again, so these will be the only Heroes in the market, it is possible that in the future we will have some event or special sale of heroes 1/1.The total supply of all the heroes adding up all the oddities is around 20k, a limited amount considering that many members would have more than 10.
5- After the sale of packs and launch of the token and staking, we will have the Hero Pass LVL 2, the benefits will be kept hidden until it is necessary to avoid plagiarism and copies. The Hero Pass LVL 1 will be burned reducing the total supply.
The dates of this whole plan is intended for August-September.
HINT - UPDATE: We have something to announce soon about for our 6 sticker collectors .
See you Heroes!
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